Best Street Photography
Photographer: Felicitas Yang
Genres: Black & White, people, street photography, landscape, analog, film
Camera: Nikon F3, Olympus XA, Plaubel Makina 67
Description: When describing Japanese city planning, French author Roland Barthes writes: “In this manner, we are told, the system of the imaginary is spread circularly, by detours and returns the length of an empty subject.”
I can intimately relate to this description, since my stay in Japan was mainly one of detours and returns. There was no specific subject to hunt, except for maybe taking in the surroundings as truthfully as they would allow. Most times it felt as though I didn’t even know what I was looking for, but somehow it was always there, right under my nose, a shutter away. I took each photo with the utmost fascination. This country, with its density, stillness and beauty, is – as described per the title of Barthes’ book – an empire of signs.
The trip was carefully organised, with an extensive schedule. The visit lead through the regions of Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku and Shikoku over a span of a little under two months in 2018. It was important – mainly due to budgetary reasons – to fit in as many locations as possible so as to cover a large variety of places (cities and rural areas), and meet many different types of people. Shooting exclusively on film made every shot count. The series originally comprised colour photography as well, but after much deliberation I decided to maintain a form of continuity by choosing only the black and white photos.
Best Street Photography
Sophisticated Nights
Photographer: Spencer Hawkins
Country of Origin:United States
Best Street Photography
a Perfect Shadow
Photographer: Vincenzo De Sio
Genres: Urban, New York City, Street Phorography
Date Taken: February 14, 2023
Country of Origin: United States
Best Documentary
When In Rome
Photographer: Perry Hall
Genres: Documentary, Street Photography, Analog, Black and White
Date Taken: February 14, 2022
Country of Origin:Italy
Camera: Leica M6
Lens: Voigtlander
Focal Length: 28mm
ISO / Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 Film
Description: “When In Rome” is a 9-year analog project with a raw viewpoint resulting from the experiences I have been very grateful to capture while living in this gritty, beautiful, and chaotic city. The Eternal City has given me that through my viewfinder. I learned the meaning of “When In Rome,” you do As The Romans Do” along my photographic journey.
Best Portrait
Portraits of emotions
Photographer: Datlas Erre
Model: Erre Luis
Genres: Portrait
Country of Origin: Italy
Description: Time passes, and with it even the memories of a life fade, and all that remains is to look forward and dream of a life in color.