Interview with actor Dizzy Daniels

  • How did you get involved in acting?

I started in high school; drama class, improvising skits, doing plays.

  • How different is it to act in a movie and to act in a theater play? And which one do you prefer?

I prefer acting in movies. When I act in my movies we go to a location; set up a scene, I tell the cameraman and actors what I’m going to do, then we shoot it. Often the first take is the best one. When I do practice a scene, I try not to give my all until the cameras are rolling. A play, on the other hand, has to be rehearsed until you know your scenes perfectly, before doing it in front of an audience.

  • What are your weak points when it comes to acting? How do you try to improve them?

Off hand, I can’t think of any ― best thing to do is say you can do anything a director wants ― then bluff your way through it.

  • What are your strong points as an actor?

Acting like a goofball.

  • What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?

I’ve never worked with other directors on anything complicated, so I can’t really say.

  • What makes a good scene partner?

A good actor, and someone I can react to.

  • What are some of the difficulties of the acting business?

I’m always acting in my own films, so getting the best actors when you’re not paying them could be a problem. If the actor isn’t really right for a role, you just have to plow through and hope nobody notices.

  • What’s challenging about bringing a script to life?

Using people with no experience, or who are in a rush it leave.

  • What do you do when you’re not doing theatre/film?

My hobbies. Collecting and watching movies. Reading books on comedians and films.

  • If someone is going to make your life into a movie, who would play you?

Off the top of my head, the only guy I can think of is Jim Carrey ― or Meryl Streep, she can play anyone, right?

Teed-Off! | Canada | 2018 | 9’
Actor: Dizzy Daniels
Director: Dizzy Daniels
Writers: Dizzy Daniels
Producers: Dizzy Daniels
Key Cast: Dizzy Daniels, Caroline Therrien, Mario, Mario Simon Fortin Gauthier
Synopsis: Our hero spends the day playing golf, but has to contend with pesky newspapers and getting his ball stuck in mud. Later on, he proposes to the girl of his dreams – but loses her to her irate boyfriend.

The Wise Toucan
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.