26 – Screenplay [danish]

26 | Denmark |  2018 | 12’         

Actress: Alice Esther Bier Zandén

Director: Emma Lund Rasmussen              

Writers: Penelope Bjerregaard, Emma Lund Rasmussen    

Producer: Penelope Bjerregaard 

Cast: Alice Esther Bier Zandén, Rikke Westi, Julie Jeziorski Jensen  

Synopsis: Barbara is turning 26. Her and her two friends, Olivia and Freja, has as a tradition to jump in the ocean, every time one of them has their birthday. But Olivia is completely absent, constantly looking at her phone and Freja have brought little baby Ella with her. They do not want to jump. And Barbara do not want to do it alone. In a magical moment, Barbara encounters her old friends, from back in time where they created the tradition. But the dreamy and carefree moment quickly disappears again. Back in the present, Olivia is arguing over the phone and Freja is about to leave. Barbara realizes, that she must find the strength in herself. She runs towards the ocean. Alone but confident.